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Meet new people in Lima
Single in Lima, City of Kings? Or maybe you’re planning a visit and want to meet some local people? Wander through the historic centre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Have a drink (or two) around San Isidro and Miraflores. Visit the Museo Larco or the Museo Amano. Marvel at the ancient Iglesia de San Francisco. So much to see - and it’s twice the fun if you’re more than one!
If you’re looking for friends, fancy yourself a bit of a flirt or just want to chat to someone nice - you’ll find all of this and more on Chat & Date. Totally free, Chat & Date is the largest and best social network for meeting new people, making new friends, going on dates and more. A first date at the spectacular Circuito Mágico del Agua would be an unforgettable experience - why not join Chat & Date and make it happen? You won't regret it!