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Single in Santo Domingo? Chat & Date can help! It’s the hottest social network with hundreds of thousands of people online - you’re bound to find that special person. Chat to whoever you like. If it leads to love, it’s time to plan that all-important first date, and there’s plenty to do in the Caribbean's most cosmopolitan city. Visit the Museo Alcázar de Colón, home to the descendants of he who discovered America; wander around the pier; enjoy the shows at the Palacio de las Bellas Artes; marvel at the Jardín Botánico; or visit La Catedral, the first one built in the New World. The Fortaleza Ozama, which protects the city from enemy attacks, is a must-see, and if you enjoy nature don’t miss the fascinating Parque de Los Tres Ojos. Or there’s the Santo Domingo Carnival, perfect to enjoy as a couple. Don’t hesitate - join Chat & Date for free and find the person you’re looking for!
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