Meet new people in Sacramento
Looking for a change in scenery? Want to meet new people you can chat with, share a laugh with and go out with on a date? Chat & Date, one of the world's largest social networks, is the best place. It’s easy and totally free - so create your profile and start thinking about where you’ll head for your next date!
Colonia del Sacramento, a typical 17th-century Portuguese city, is a great choice. You can visit the Casco Histórico, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and get lost in the cobbled streets. Climb the stairs at the lighthouse. Visit the churches, museums and antique houses. It all makes for an unforgettable experience. You can also enjoy an exquisite lunch at one of the traditional taverns and grills, or go for a few drinks in the different bars in both the old and new parts of the city. Don't wait - boost your social life today!